Source code for aliyun.log.logclient

LogClient class is the main class in the SDK. It can be used to communicate with
log service server to put/get data.

:Author: Aliyun

import json
import requests
import six
import time
import zlib
from datetime import datetime
import logging
import locale

from .acl_response import *
from .consumer_group_request import *
from .consumer_group_response import *
from .cursor_response import GetCursorResponse
from .cursor_time_response import GetCursorTimeResponse
from .gethistogramsresponse import GetHistogramsResponse
from .getlogsresponse import GetLogsResponse
from .index_config_response import *
from .listlogstoresresponse import ListLogstoresResponse
from .listtopicsresponse import ListTopicsResponse
from .logclient_core import make_lcrud_methods
from .logclient_operator import copy_project, list_more, query_more, pull_log_dump, copy_logstore, copy_data, \
    get_resource_usage, arrange_shard, transform_data
from .logexception import LogException
from .logstore_config_response import *
from .logtail_config_response import *
from .machinegroup_response import *
from .project_response import *
from .pulllog_response import PullLogResponse
from .putlogsresponse import PutLogsResponse
from .shard_response import *
from .shipper_response import *
from .util import Util, parse_timestamp, base64_encodestring as b64e, is_stats_query
from .util import base64_encodestring as e64, base64_decodestring as d64
from .version import API_VERSION, USER_AGENT

from .log_logs_raw_pb2 import LogGroupRaw as LogGroup
from .external_store_config import ExternalStoreConfig
from .external_store_config_response import *
import struct

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    import lz4

    if not hasattr(lz4, 'loads') or not hasattr(lz4, 'dumps'):
        lz4 = None
        def lz_decompress(raw_size, data):
            return lz4.loads(struct.pack('<I', raw_size) + data)

        def lz_compresss(data):
            return lz4.dumps(data)[4:]

except ImportError:
    lz4 = None



def _apply_cn_keys_patch():
    apply this patch due to an issue in http.client.parse_headers
    when there're multi-bytes in headers. it will truncate some headers.
    import sys
    if sys.version_info[:2] == (3, 5):
        import http.client as hc
        old_parse = hc.parse_headers

        def parse_header(*args, **kwargs):
            fp = args[0]
            old_readline = fp.readline

            def new_readline(*args, **kwargs):
                ret = old_readline(*args, **kwargs)
                if ret.lower().startswith(b'x-log-query-info'):
                    return b'x-log-query-info: \r\n'
                return ret

            fp.readline = new_readline

            ret = old_parse(*args, **kwargs)
            return ret

        hc.parse_headers = parse_header


[docs]class LogClient(object): """ Construct the LogClient with endpoint, accessKeyId, accessKey. :type endpoint: string :param endpoint: log service host name, for example, or :type accessKeyId: string :param accessKeyId: aliyun accessKeyId :type accessKey: string :param accessKey: aliyun accessKey """ __version__ = API_VERSION Version = __version__ def __init__(self, endpoint, accessKeyId, accessKey, securityToken=None, source=None): self._isRowIp = Util.is_row_ip(endpoint) self._setendpoint(endpoint) self._accessKeyId = accessKeyId self._accessKey = accessKey self._timeout = CONNECTION_TIME_OUT if source is None: self._source = Util.get_host_ip(self._logHost) else: self._source = source self._securityToken = securityToken self._user_agent = USER_AGENT @property def timeout(self): return self._timeout @timeout.setter def timeout(self, value): self._timeout = value
[docs] def set_user_agent(self, user_agent): """ set user agent :type user_agent: string :param user_agent: user agent :return: None """ self._user_agent = user_agent
def _setendpoint(self, endpoint): self.http_type = 'http://' self._port = 80 endpoint = endpoint.strip() pos = endpoint.find('://') if pos != -1: self.http_type = endpoint[:pos + 3] endpoint = endpoint[pos + 3:] if self.http_type.lower() == 'https://': self._port = 443 pos = endpoint.find('/') if pos != -1: endpoint = endpoint[:pos] pos = endpoint.find(':') if pos != -1: self._port = int(endpoint[pos + 1:]) endpoint = endpoint[:pos] self._logHost = endpoint self._endpoint = endpoint + ':' + str(self._port) @staticmethod def _getGMT(): try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, "C") except Exception as ex: logger.warning("failed to set locale time to C. skip it: {0}".format(ex)) return datetime.utcnow().strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT') @staticmethod def _loadJson(resp_status, resp_header, resp_body, requestId): if not resp_body: return None try: if isinstance(resp_body, six.binary_type): return json.loads(resp_body.decode('utf8', "ignore")) return json.loads(resp_body) except Exception as ex: raise LogException('BadResponse', 'Bad json format:\n"%s"' % b64e(resp_body) + '\n' + repr(ex), requestId, resp_status, resp_header, resp_body) def _getHttpResponse(self, method, url, params, body, headers): # ensure method, url, body is str try: headers['User-Agent'] = self._user_agent r = getattr(requests, method.lower())(url, params=params, data=body, headers=headers, timeout=self._timeout) return r.status_code, r.content, r.headers except Exception as ex: raise LogException('LogRequestError', str(ex)) def _sendRequest(self, method, url, params, body, headers, respons_body_type='json'): (resp_status, resp_body, resp_header) = self._getHttpResponse(method, url, params, body, headers) header = {} for key, value in resp_header.items(): header[key] = value requestId = Util.h_v_td(header, 'x-log-requestid', '') if resp_status == 200: if respons_body_type == 'json': exJson = self._loadJson(resp_status, resp_header, resp_body, requestId) exJson = Util.convert_unicode_to_str(exJson) return exJson, header else: return resp_body, header exJson = self._loadJson(resp_status, resp_header, resp_body, requestId) exJson = Util.convert_unicode_to_str(exJson) if 'errorCode' in exJson and 'errorMessage' in exJson: raise LogException(exJson['errorCode'], exJson['errorMessage'], requestId, resp_status, resp_header, resp_body) else: exJson = '. Return json is ' + str(exJson) if exJson else '.' raise LogException('LogRequestError', 'Request is failed. Http code is ' + str(resp_status) + exJson, requestId, resp_status, resp_header, resp_body) def _send(self, method, project, body, resource, params, headers, respons_body_type='json'): if body: headers['Content-Length'] = str(len(body)) headers['Content-MD5'] = Util.cal_md5(body) else: headers['Content-Length'] = '0' headers["x-log-bodyrawsize"] = '0' headers['x-log-apiversion'] = API_VERSION headers['x-log-signaturemethod'] = 'hmac-sha1' if self._isRowIp or not project: url = self.http_type + self._endpoint else: url = self.http_type + project + "." + self._endpoint if project: headers['Host'] = project + "." + self._logHost else: headers['Host'] = self._logHost headers['Date'] = self._getGMT() if self._securityToken: headers["x-acs-security-token"] = self._securityToken signature = Util.get_request_authorization(method, resource, self._accessKey, params, headers) headers['Authorization'] = "LOG " + self._accessKeyId + ':' + signature headers['x-log-date'] = headers['Date'] # bypass some proxy doesn't allow "Date" in header issue. url = url + resource return self._sendRequest(method, url, params, body, headers, respons_body_type) @staticmethod def _get_unicode(key): if isinstance(key, six.binary_type): try: key = key.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: return key return key @staticmethod def _get_binary(key): if isinstance(key, six.text_type): return key.encode('utf-8') return key
[docs] def set_source(self, source): """ Set the source of the log client :type source: string :param source: new source :return: None """ self._source = source
[docs] def put_log_raw(self, project, logstore, log_group, compress=None): """ Put logs to log service. using raw data in protobuf :type project: string :param project: the Project name :type logstore: string :param logstore: the logstore name :type log_group: LogGroup :param log_group: log group structure :type compress: boolean :param compress: compress or not, by default is True :return: PutLogsResponse :raise: LogException """ body = log_group.SerializeToString() raw_body_size = len(body) headers = {'x-log-bodyrawsize': str(raw_body_size), 'Content-Type': 'application/x-protobuf'} if compress is None or compress: if lz4: headers['x-log-compresstype'] = 'lz4' body = lz_compresss(body) else: headers['x-log-compresstype'] = 'deflate' body = zlib.compress(body) params = {} resource = '/logstores/' + logstore + "/shards/lb" (resp, header) = self._send('POST', project, body, resource, params, headers) return PutLogsResponse(header, resp)
[docs] def put_logs(self, request): """ Put logs to log service. up to 512000 logs up to 10MB size Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type request: PutLogsRequest :param request: the PutLogs request parameters class :return: PutLogsResponse :raise: LogException """ if len(request.get_log_items()) > 512000: raise LogException('InvalidLogSize', "logItems' length exceeds maximum limitation: 512000 lines. now: {0}".format( len(request.get_log_items()))) logGroup = LogGroup() logGroup.Topic = request.get_topic() if request.get_source(): logGroup.Source = request.get_source() else: if self._source == '': self._source = Util.get_host_ip(request.get_project() + '.' + self._logHost) logGroup.Source = self._source for logItem in request.get_log_items(): log = logGroup.Logs.add() log.Time = logItem.get_time() contents = logItem.get_contents() for key, value in contents: content = log.Contents.add() content.Key = self._get_unicode(key) content.Value = self._get_binary(value) if request.get_log_tags() is not None: tags = request.get_log_tags() for key, value in tags: pb_tag = logGroup.LogTags.add() pb_tag.Key = key pb_tag.Value = value body = logGroup.SerializeToString() if len(body) > 10 * 1024 * 1024: # 10 MB raise LogException('InvalidLogSize', "logItems' size exceeds maximum limitation: 10 MB. now: {0} MB.".format( len(body) / 1024.0 / 1024)) headers = {'x-log-bodyrawsize': str(len(body)), 'Content-Type': 'application/x-protobuf'} is_compress = request.get_compress() compress_data = None if is_compress: if lz4: headers['x-log-compresstype'] = 'lz4' compress_data = lz_compresss(body) else: headers['x-log-compresstype'] = 'deflate' compress_data = zlib.compress(body) params = {} logstore = request.get_logstore() project = request.get_project() if request.get_hash_key() is not None: resource = '/logstores/' + logstore + "/shards/route" params["key"] = request.get_hash_key() else: resource = '/logstores/' + logstore + "/shards/lb" if is_compress: (resp, header) = self._send('POST', project, compress_data, resource, params, headers) else: (resp, header) = self._send('POST', project, body, resource, params, headers) return PutLogsResponse(header, resp)
[docs] def list_logstores(self, request): """ List all logstores of requested project. Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type request: ListLogstoresRequest :param request: the ListLogstores request parameters class. :return: ListLogStoresResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = '/logstores' project = request.get_project() (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project, None, resource, params, headers) return ListLogstoresResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def list_topics(self, request): """ List all topics in a logstore. Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type request: ListTopicsRequest :param request: the ListTopics request parameters class. :return: ListTopicsResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} if request.get_token() is not None: params['token'] = request.get_token() if request.get_line() is not None: params['line'] = request.get_line() params['type'] = 'topic' logstore = request.get_logstore() project = request.get_project() resource = "/logstores/" + logstore (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project, None, resource, params, headers) return ListTopicsResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def get_histograms(self, request): """ Get histograms of requested query from log service. Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type request: GetHistogramsRequest :param request: the GetHistograms request parameters class. :return: GetHistogramsResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} if request.get_topic() is not None: params['topic'] = request.get_topic() if request.get_from() is not None: params['from'] = request.get_from() if request.get_to() is not None: params['to'] = request.get_to() if request.get_query() is not None: params['query'] = request.get_query() params['type'] = 'histogram' logstore = request.get_logstore() project = request.get_project() resource = "/logstores/" + logstore (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project, None, resource, params, headers) return GetHistogramsResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def get_log(self, project, logstore, from_time, to_time, topic=None, query=None, reverse=False, offset=0, size=100): """ Get logs from log service. will retry when incomplete. Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. Note: for larger volume of data (e.g. > 1 million logs), use get_log_all :type project: string :param project: project name :type logstore: string :param logstore: logstore name :type from_time: int/string :param from_time: the begin timestamp or format of time in readable time like "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S<time_zone>" e.g. "2018-01-02 12:12:10+8:00", also support human readable string, e.g. "1 hour ago", "now", "yesterday 0:0:0", refer to :type to_time: int/string :param to_time: the end timestamp or format of time in readable time like "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S<time_zone>" e.g. "2018-01-02 12:12:10+8:00", also support human readable string, e.g. "1 hour ago", "now", "yesterday 0:0:0", refer to :type topic: string :param topic: topic name of logs, could be None :type query: string :param query: user defined query, could be None :type reverse: bool :param reverse: if reverse is set to true, the query will return the latest logs first, default is false :type offset: int :param offset: line offset of return logs :type size: int :param size: max line number of return logs, -1 means get all :return: GetLogsResponse :raise: LogException """ # need to use extended method to get more when: it's not select query, and size > default page size if not is_stats_query(query) and (int(size) == -1 or int(size) > MAX_GET_LOG_PAGING_SIZE): return query_more(self.get_log, int(offset), int(size), MAX_GET_LOG_PAGING_SIZE, project, logstore, from_time, to_time, topic, query, reverse) ret = None for _c in range(DEFAULT_QUERY_RETRY_COUNT): headers = {} params = {'from': parse_timestamp(from_time), 'to': parse_timestamp(to_time), 'type': 'log', 'line': size, 'offset': offset, 'reverse': 'true' if reverse else 'false'} if topic: params['topic'] = topic if query: params['query'] = query resource = "/logstores/" + logstore (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project, None, resource, params, headers) ret = GetLogsResponse(resp, header) if ret.is_completed(): break time.sleep(DEFAULT_QUERY_RETRY_INTERVAL) return ret
[docs] def get_logs(self, request): """ Get logs from log service. Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. Note: for larger volume of data (e.g. > 1 million logs), use get_log_all :type request: GetLogsRequest :param request: the GetLogs request parameters class. :return: GetLogsResponse :raise: LogException """ project = request.get_project() logstore = request.get_logstore() from_time = request.get_from() to_time = request.get_to() topic = request.get_topic() query = request.get_query() reverse = request.get_reverse() offset = request.get_offset() size = request.get_line() return self.get_log(project, logstore, from_time, to_time, topic, query, reverse, offset, size)
[docs] def get_log_all(self, project, logstore, from_time, to_time, topic=None, query=None, reverse=False, offset=0): """ Get logs from log service. will retry when incomplete. Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. different with `get_log` with size=-1, It will try to iteratively fetch all data every 100 items and yield them, in CLI, it could apply jmes filter to each batch and make it possible to fetch larger volume of data. :type project: string :param project: project name :type logstore: string :param logstore: logstore name :type from_time: int/string :param from_time: the begin timestamp or format of time in readable time like "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S<time_zone>" e.g. "2018-01-02 12:12:10+8:00", also support human readable string, e.g. "1 hour ago", "now", "yesterday 0:0:0", refer to :type to_time: int/string :param to_time: the end timestamp or format of time in readable time like "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S<time_zone>" e.g. "2018-01-02 12:12:10+8:00", also support human readable string, e.g. "1 hour ago", "now", "yesterday 0:0:0", refer to :type topic: string :param topic: topic name of logs, could be None :type query: string :param query: user defined query, could be None :type reverse: bool :param reverse: if reverse is set to true, the query will return the latest logs first, default is false :type offset: int :param offset: offset to start, by default is 0 :return: GetLogsResponse iterator :raise: LogException """ while True: response = self.get_log(project, logstore, from_time, to_time, topic=topic, query=query, reverse=reverse, offset=offset, size=100) yield response count = response.get_count() offset += count if count == 0 or is_stats_query(query): break
[docs] def get_project_logs(self, request): """ Get logs from log service. Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type request: GetProjectLogsRequest :param request: the GetProjectLogs request parameters class. :return: GetLogsResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} if request.get_query() is not None: params['query'] = request.get_query() project = request.get_project() resource = "/logs" (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project, None, resource, params, headers) return GetLogsResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def get_cursor(self, project_name, logstore_name, shard_id, start_time): """ Get cursor from log service for batch pull logs Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :type shard_id: int :param shard_id: the shard id :type start_time: string/int :param start_time: the start time of cursor, e.g 1441093445 or "begin"/"end", or readable time like "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S<time_zone>" e.g. "2018-01-02 12:12:10+8:00", also support human readable string, e.g. "1 hour ago", "now", "yesterday 0:0:0", refer to :return: GetCursorResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} params = {'type': 'cursor', 'from': str(start_time) if start_time in ("begin", "end") else parse_timestamp(start_time)} resource = "/logstores/" + logstore_name + "/shards/" + str(shard_id) (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return GetCursorResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def get_cursor_time(self, project_name, logstore_name, shard_id, cursor): """ Get cursor time from log service Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :type shard_id: int :param shard_id: the shard id :type cursor: string :param cursor: the cursor to get its service receive time :return: GetCursorTimeResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} params = {'type': 'cursor_time', 'cursor': cursor} resource = "/logstores/" + logstore_name + "/shards/" + str(shard_id) (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return GetCursorTimeResponse(resp, header)
@staticmethod def _get_cursor_as_int(cursor): return int(d64(cursor))
[docs] def get_previous_cursor_time(self, project_name, logstore_name, shard_id, cursor, normalize=True): """ Get previous cursor time from log service. Note: normalize = true: if the cursor is out of range, it will be nornalized to nearest cursor Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :type shard_id: int :param shard_id: the shard id :type cursor: string :param cursor: the cursor to get its service receive time :type normalize: bool :param normalize: fix the cursor or not if it's out of scope :return: GetCursorTimeResponse :raise: LogException """ try: pre_cursor_int = self._get_cursor_as_int(cursor) - 1 pre_cursor = e64(str(pre_cursor_int)).strip() except Exception: raise LogException("InvalidCursor", "Cursor {0} is invalid".format(cursor)) try: return self.get_cursor_time(project_name, logstore_name, shard_id, pre_cursor) except LogException as ex: if normalize and ex.get_error_code() == "InvalidCursor": ret = self.get_begin_cursor(project_name, logstore_name, shard_id) begin_cursor_int = self._get_cursor_as_int(ret.get_cursor()) if pre_cursor_int < begin_cursor_int: return self.get_cursor_time(project_name, logstore_name, shard_id, e64(str(begin_cursor_int))) ret = self.get_end_cursor(project_name, logstore_name, shard_id) end_cursor_int = self._get_cursor_as_int(ret.get_cursor()) if pre_cursor_int > end_cursor_int: return self.get_cursor_time(project_name, logstore_name, shard_id, e64(str(end_cursor_int))) raise ex
[docs] def get_begin_cursor(self, project_name, logstore_name, shard_id): """ Get begin cursor from log service for batch pull logs Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :type shard_id: int :param shard_id: the shard id :return: GetLogsResponse :raise: LogException """ return self.get_cursor(project_name, logstore_name, shard_id, "begin")
[docs] def get_end_cursor(self, project_name, logstore_name, shard_id): """ Get end cursor from log service for batch pull logs Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :type shard_id: int :param shard_id: the shard id :return: GetLogsResponse :raise: LogException """ return self.get_cursor(project_name, logstore_name, shard_id, "end")
[docs] def pull_logs(self, project_name, logstore_name, shard_id, cursor, count=None, end_cursor=None, compress=None): """ batch pull log data from log service Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :type shard_id: int :param shard_id: the shard id :type cursor: string :param cursor: the start to cursor to get data :type count: int :param count: the required pull log package count, default 1000 packages :type end_cursor: string :param end_cursor: the end cursor position to get data :type compress: boolean :param compress: if use zip compress for transfer data, default is True :return: PullLogResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} if compress is None or compress: if lz4: headers['Accept-Encoding'] = 'lz4' else: headers['Accept-Encoding'] = 'gzip' else: headers['Accept-Encoding'] = '' headers['Accept'] = 'application/x-protobuf' params = {} resource = "/logstores/" + logstore_name + "/shards/" + str(shard_id) params['type'] = 'log' params['cursor'] = cursor count = count or 1000 params['count'] = str(count) if end_cursor: params['end_cursor'] = end_cursor (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project_name, None, resource, params, headers, "binary") compress_type = Util.h_v_td(header, 'x-log-compresstype', '').lower() if compress_type == 'lz4': raw_size = int(Util.h_v_t(header, 'x-log-bodyrawsize')) if lz4: raw_data = lz_decompress(raw_size, resp) return PullLogResponse(raw_data, header) else: raise LogException("ClientHasNoLz4", "There's no Lz4 lib available to decompress the response", resp_header=header, resp_body=resp) elif compress_type in ('gzip', 'deflate'): raw_size = int(Util.h_v_t(header, 'x-log-bodyrawsize')) raw_data = zlib.decompress(resp) return PullLogResponse(raw_data, header) else: return PullLogResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def pull_log(self, project_name, logstore_name, shard_id, from_time, to_time, batch_size=None, compress=None): """ batch pull log data from log service using time-range Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. the time parameter means the time when server receives the logs :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :type shard_id: int :param shard_id: the shard id :type from_time: string/int :param from_time: curosr value, could be begin, timestamp or readable time in readable time like "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S<time_zone>" e.g. "2018-01-02 12:12:10+8:00", also support human readable string, e.g. "1 hour ago", "now", "yesterday 0:0:0", refer to :type to_time: string/int :param to_time: curosr value, could be begin, timestamp or readable time in readable time like "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S<time_zone>" e.g. "2018-01-02 12:12:10+8:00", also support human readable string, e.g. "1 hour ago", "now", "yesterday 0:0:0", refer to :type batch_size: int :param batch_size: batch size to fetch the data in each iteration. by default it's 1000 :type compress: bool :param compress: if use compression, by default it's True :return: PullLogResponse :raise: LogException """ begin_cursor = self.get_cursor(project_name, logstore_name, shard_id, from_time).get_cursor() end_cursor = self.get_cursor(project_name, logstore_name, shard_id, to_time).get_cursor() while True: res = self.pull_logs(project_name, logstore_name, shard_id, begin_cursor, count=batch_size, end_cursor=end_cursor, compress=compress) yield res if res.get_log_count() <= 0: break begin_cursor = res.get_next_cursor()
[docs] def pull_log_dump(self, project_name, logstore_name, from_time, to_time, file_path, batch_size=None, compress=None, encodings=None, shard_list=None, no_escape=None): """ dump all logs seperatedly line into file_path, file_path, the time parameters are log received time on server side. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :type from_time: string/int :param from_time: curosr value, could be begin, timestamp or readable time in readable time like "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S<time_zone>" e.g. "2018-01-02 12:12:10+8:00", also support human readable string, e.g. "1 hour ago", "now", "yesterday 0:0:0", refer to :type to_time: string/int :param to_time: curosr value, could be begin, timestamp or readable time in readable time like "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S<time_zone>" e.g. "2018-01-02 12:12:10+8:00", also support human readable string, e.g. "1 hour ago", "now", "yesterday 0:0:0", refer to :type file_path: string :param file_path: file path with {} for shard id. e.g. "/data/dump_{}.data", {} will be replaced with each partition. :type batch_size: int :param batch_size: batch size to fetch the data in each iteration. by default it's 500 :type compress: bool :param compress: if use compression, by default it's True :type encodings: string list :param encodings: encoding like ["utf8", "latin1"] etc to dumps the logs in json format to file. default is ["utf8",] :type shard_list: string :param shard_list: shard number list. could be comma seperated list or range: 1,20,31-40 :type no_escape: bool :param no_escape: if not_escape the non-ANSI, default is to escape, set it to True if don't want it. :return: LogResponse {"total_count": 30, "files": {'file_path_1': 10, "file_path_2": 20} }) :raise: LogException """ file_path = file_path.replace("{}", "{0}") if "{0}" not in file_path: file_path += "{0}" return pull_log_dump(self, project_name, logstore_name, from_time, to_time, file_path, batch_size=batch_size, compress=compress, encodings=encodings, shard_list=shard_list, no_escape=no_escape)
[docs] def create_logstore(self, project_name, logstore_name, ttl=30, shard_count=2, enable_tracking=False, append_meta=False, auto_split=True, max_split_shard=64, preserve_storage=False ): """ create log store Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :type ttl: int :param ttl: the life cycle of log in the logstore in days, default 30, up to 3650 :type shard_count: int :param shard_count: the shard count of the logstore to create, default 2 :type enable_tracking: bool :param enable_tracking: enable web tracking, default is False :type append_meta: bool :param append_meta: allow to append meta info (server received time and IP for external IP to each received log) :type auto_split: bool :param auto_split: auto split shard, max_split_shard will be 64 by default is True :type max_split_shard: int :param max_split_shard: max shard to split, up to 64 :type preserve_storage: bool :param preserve_storage: if always persist data, TTL will be ignored. :return: CreateLogStoreResponse :raise: LogException """ if auto_split and (max_split_shard <= 0 or max_split_shard >= 64): max_split_shard = 64 if preserve_storage: ttl = 3650 params = {} resource = "/logstores" headers = {"x-log-bodyrawsize": '0', "Content-Type": "application/json"} body = {"logstoreName": logstore_name, "ttl": int(ttl), "shardCount": int(shard_count), "enable_tracking": enable_tracking, "autoSplit": auto_split, "maxSplitShard": max_split_shard, "appendMeta": append_meta } body_str = six.b(json.dumps(body)) try: (resp, header) = self._send("POST", project_name, body_str, resource, params, headers) except LogException as ex: if ex.get_error_code() == "LogStoreInfoInvalid" and ex.get_error_message() == "redundant key exist in json": logger.warning("LogStoreInfoInvalid, will retry with basic parameters. detail: {0}".format(ex)) body = {"logstoreName": logstore_name, "ttl": int(ttl), "shardCount": int(shard_count), "enable_tracking": enable_tracking } body_str = six.b(json.dumps(body)) (resp, header) = self._send("POST", project_name, body_str, resource, params, headers) else: raise return CreateLogStoreResponse(header, resp)
[docs] def delete_logstore(self, project_name, logstore_name): """ delete log store Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :return: DeleteLogStoreResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/logstores/" + logstore_name (resp, header) = self._send("DELETE", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return DeleteLogStoreResponse(header, resp)
[docs] def get_logstore(self, project_name, logstore_name): """ get the logstore meta info Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :return: GetLogStoreResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/logstores/" + logstore_name (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return GetLogStoreResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def update_logstore(self, project_name, logstore_name, ttl=None, enable_tracking=None, shard_count=None, append_meta=None, auto_split=None, max_split_shard=None, preserve_storage=None ): """ update the logstore meta info Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :type ttl: int :param ttl: the life cycle of log in the logstore in days :type enable_tracking: bool :param enable_tracking: enable web tracking :type shard_count: int :param shard_count: deprecated, the shard count could only be updated by split & merge :type append_meta: bool :param append_meta: allow to append meta info (server received time and IP for external IP to each received log) :type auto_split: bool :param auto_split: auto split shard, max_split_shard will be 64 by default is True :type max_split_shard: int :param max_split_shard: max shard to split, up to 64 :type preserve_storage: bool :param preserve_storage: if always persist data, TTL will be ignored. :return: UpdateLogStoreResponse :raise: LogException """ res = self.get_logstore(project_name, logstore_name) shard_count = res.get_shard_count() if enable_tracking is None: enable_tracking = res.get_enable_tracking() if preserve_storage is None and ttl is None: preserve_storage = res.preserve_storage if ttl is None: ttl = res.get_ttl() if auto_split is None: auto_split = res.auto_split if append_meta is None: append_meta = res.append_meta if max_split_shard is None: max_split_shard = res.max_split_shard if auto_split and (max_split_shard <= 0 or max_split_shard >= 64): max_split_shard = 64 if preserve_storage: ttl = 3650 headers = {"x-log-bodyrawsize": '0', "Content-Type": "application/json"} params = {} resource = "/logstores/" + logstore_name body = { "logstoreName": logstore_name, "ttl": int(ttl), "enable_tracking": enable_tracking, "shardCount": shard_count, "autoSplit": auto_split, "maxSplitShard": max_split_shard, "appendMeta": append_meta } body_str = six.b(json.dumps(body)) try: (resp, header) = self._send("PUT", project_name, body_str, resource, params, headers) except LogException as ex: if ex.get_error_code() == "LogStoreInfoInvalid" and ex.get_error_message() == "redundant key exist in json": logger.warning("LogStoreInfoInvalid, will retry with basic parameters. detail: {0}".format(ex)) body = { "logstoreName": logstore_name, "ttl": int(ttl), "enable_tracking": enable_tracking, "shardCount": shard_count } body_str = six.b(json.dumps(body)) (resp, header) = self._send("PUT", project_name, body_str, resource, params, headers) else: raise return UpdateLogStoreResponse(header, resp)
[docs] def list_logstore(self, project_name, logstore_name_pattern=None, offset=0, size=100): """ list the logstore in a projectListLogStoreResponse Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name_pattern: string :param logstore_name_pattern: the sub name logstore, used for the server to return logstore names contain this sub name :type offset: int :param offset: the offset of all the matched names :type size: int :param size: the max return names count, -1 means all :return: ListLogStoreResponse :raise: LogException """ # need to use extended method to get more if int(size) == -1 or int(size) > MAX_LIST_PAGING_SIZE: return list_more(self.list_logstore, int(offset), int(size), MAX_LIST_PAGING_SIZE, project_name, logstore_name_pattern) headers = {} params = {} resource = "/logstores" if logstore_name_pattern is not None: params['logstoreName'] = logstore_name_pattern params['offset'] = str(offset) params['size'] = str(size) (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return ListLogStoreResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def create_external_store(self, project_name, config): """ create log store Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type config : ExternalStoreConfig :param config :external store config :return: CreateExternalStoreResponse :raise: LogException """ params = {} resource = "/externalstores" headers = {"x-log-bodyrawsize": '0', "Content-Type": "application/json"} body_str = six.b(json.dumps(config.to_json())) (resp, header) = self._send("POST", project_name, body_str, resource, params, headers) return CreateExternalStoreResponse(header, resp)
[docs] def delete_external_store(self, project_name, store_name): """ delete log store Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type store_name: string :param store_name: the external store name :return: DeleteExternalStoreResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/externalstores/" + store_name (resp, header) = self._send("DELETE", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return DeleteExternalStoreResponse(header, resp)
[docs] def get_external_store(self, project_name, store_name): """ get the logstore meta info Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type store_name: string :param store_name: the logstore name :return: GetLogStoreResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/externalstores/" + store_name (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) # add storeName if not existing if 'externalStoreName' not in resp: resp['externalStoreName'] = store_name return GetExternalStoreResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def update_external_store(self, project_name, config): """ update the logstore meta info Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type config: ExternalStoreConfig :param config : external store config :return: UpdateExternalStoreResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {"x-log-bodyrawsize": '0', "Content-Type": "application/json"} params = {} resource = "/externalstores/" + config.externalStoreName body_str = six.b(json.dumps(config.to_json())) (resp, header) = self._send("PUT", project_name, body_str, resource, params, headers) return UpdateExternalStoreResponse(header, resp)
[docs] def list_external_store(self, project_name, external_store_name_pattern=None, offset=0, size=100): """ list the logstore in a projectListLogStoreResponse Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name_pattern: string :param logstore_name_pattern: the sub name logstore, used for the server to return logstore names contain this sub name :type offset: int :param offset: the offset of all the matched names :type size: int :param size: the max return names count, -1 means all :return: ListLogStoreResponse :raise: LogException """ # need to use extended method to get more if int(size) == -1 or int(size) > MAX_LIST_PAGING_SIZE: return list_more(self.list_external_store, int(offset), int(size), MAX_LIST_PAGING_SIZE, project_name, external_store_name_pattern) headers = {} params = {} resource = "/externalstores" if external_store_name_pattern is not None: params['externalStoreName'] = external_store_name_pattern params['offset'] = str(offset) params['size'] = str(size) (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return ListExternalStoreResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def list_shards(self, project_name, logstore_name): """ list the shard meta of a logstore Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :return: ListShardResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/logstores/" + logstore_name + "/shards" (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return ListShardResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def split_shard(self, project_name, logstore_name, shardId, split_hash): """ split a readwrite shard into two shards Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :type shardId: int :param shardId: the shard id :type split_hash: string :param split_hash: the internal hash between the shard begin and end hash :return: ListShardResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {"action": "split", "key": split_hash} resource = "/logstores/" + logstore_name + "/shards/" + str(shardId) (resp, header) = self._send("POST", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return ListShardResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def merge_shard(self, project_name, logstore_name, shardId): """ split two adjacent readwrite hards into one shards Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :type shardId: int :param shardId: the shard id of the left shard, server will determine the right adjacent shardId :return: ListShardResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {"action": "merge"} resource = "/logstores/" + logstore_name + "/shards/" + str(shardId) (resp, header) = self._send("POST", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return ListShardResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def delete_shard(self, project_name, logstore_name, shardId): """ delete a readonly shard Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :type shardId: int :param shardId: the read only shard id :return: ListShardResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/logstores/" + logstore_name + "/shards/" + str(shardId) (resp, header) = self._send("DELETE", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return DeleteShardResponse(header, resp)
[docs] def create_index(self, project_name, logstore_name, index_detail): """ create index for a logstore Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :type index_detail: IndexConfig :param index_detail: the index config detail used to create index :return: CreateIndexResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/logstores/" + logstore_name + "/index" headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' body = six.b(json.dumps(index_detail.to_json())) headers['x-log-bodyrawsize'] = str(len(body)) (resp, header) = self._send("POST", project_name, body, resource, params, headers) return CreateIndexResponse(header, resp)
[docs] def update_index(self, project_name, logstore_name, index_detail): """ update index for a logstore Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :type index_detail: IndexConfig :param index_detail: the index config detail used to update index :return: UpdateIndexResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/logstores/" + logstore_name + "/index" headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' body = six.b(json.dumps(index_detail.to_json())) headers['x-log-bodyrawsize'] = str(len(body)) (resp, header) = self._send("PUT", project_name, body, resource, params, headers) return UpdateIndexResponse(header, resp)
[docs] def delete_index(self, project_name, logstore_name): """ delete index of a logstore Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :return: DeleteIndexResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/logstores/" + logstore_name + "/index" (resp, header) = self._send("DELETE", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return DeleteIndexResponse(header, resp)
[docs] def get_index_config(self, project_name, logstore_name): """ get index config detail of a logstore Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :return: GetIndexResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/logstores/" + logstore_name + "/index" (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return GetIndexResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def create_logtail_config(self, project_name, config_detail): """ create logtail config in a project Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type config_detail: LogtailConfigGenerator or SeperatorFileConfigDetail or SimpleFileConfigDetail or FullRegFileConfigDetail or JsonFileConfigDetail or ApsaraFileConfigDetail or SyslogConfigDetail or CommonRegLogConfigDetail :param config_detail: the logtail config detail info, use `LogtailConfigGenerator.from_json` to generate config: SeperatorFileConfigDetail or SimpleFileConfigDetail or FullRegFileConfigDetail or JsonFileConfigDetail or ApsaraFileConfigDetail or SyslogConfigDetail, Note: CommonRegLogConfigDetail is deprecated. :return: CreateLogtailConfigResponse :raise: LogException """ if config_detail.logstore_name: # try to verify if the logstore exists or not. self.get_logstore(project_name, config_detail.logstore_name) headers = {} params = {} resource = "/configs" headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' body = six.b(json.dumps(config_detail.to_json())) headers['x-log-bodyrawsize'] = str(len(body)) (resp, headers) = self._send("POST", project_name, body, resource, params, headers) return CreateLogtailConfigResponse(headers, resp)
[docs] def update_logtail_config(self, project_name, config_detail): """ update logtail config in a project Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type config_detail: LogtailConfigGenerator or SeperatorFileConfigDetail or SimpleFileConfigDetail or FullRegFileConfigDetail or JsonFileConfigDetail or ApsaraFileConfigDetail or SyslogConfigDetail or CommonRegLogConfigDetail :param config_detail: the logtail config detail info, use `LogtailConfigGenerator.from_json` to generate config: SeperatorFileConfigDetail or SimpleFileConfigDetail or FullRegFileConfigDetail or JsonFileConfigDetail or ApsaraFileConfigDetail or SyslogConfigDetail :return: UpdateLogtailConfigResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/configs/" + config_detail.config_name headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' body = six.b(json.dumps(config_detail.to_json())) headers['x-log-bodyrawsize'] = str(len(body)) (resp, headers) = self._send("PUT", project_name, body, resource, params, headers) return UpdateLogtailConfigResponse(headers, resp)
[docs] def delete_logtail_config(self, project_name, config_name): """ delete logtail config in a project Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type config_name: string :param config_name: the logtail config name :return: DeleteLogtailConfigResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/configs/" + config_name (resp, headers) = self._send("DELETE", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return DeleteLogtailConfigResponse(headers, resp)
[docs] def get_logtail_config(self, project_name, config_name): """ get logtail config in a project Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type config_name: string :param config_name: the logtail config name :return: GetLogtailConfigResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/configs/" + config_name (resp, headers) = self._send("GET", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return GetLogtailConfigResponse(resp, headers)
[docs] def list_logtail_config(self, project_name, offset=0, size=100): """ list logtail config name in a project Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type offset: int :param offset: the offset of all config names :type size: int :param size: the max return names count, -1 means all :return: ListLogtailConfigResponse :raise: LogException """ # need to use extended method to get more if int(size) == -1 or int(size) > MAX_LIST_PAGING_SIZE: return list_more(self.list_logtail_config, int(offset), int(size), MAX_LIST_PAGING_SIZE, project_name) headers = {} params = {} resource = "/configs" params['offset'] = str(offset) params['size'] = str(size) (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return ListLogtailConfigResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def create_machine_group(self, project_name, group_detail): """ create machine group in a project Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type group_detail: MachineGroupDetail :param group_detail: the machine group detail config :return: CreateMachineGroupResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/machinegroups" headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' body = six.b(json.dumps(group_detail.to_json())) headers['x-log-bodyrawsize'] = str(len(body)) (resp, headers) = self._send("POST", project_name, body, resource, params, headers) return CreateMachineGroupResponse(headers, resp)
[docs] def delete_machine_group(self, project_name, group_name): """ delete machine group in a project Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type group_name: string :param group_name: the group name :return: DeleteMachineGroupResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/machinegroups/" + group_name (resp, headers) = self._send("DELETE", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return DeleteMachineGroupResponse(headers, resp)
[docs] def update_machine_group(self, project_name, group_detail): """ update machine group in a project Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type group_detail: MachineGroupDetail :param group_detail: the machine group detail config :return: UpdateMachineGroupResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/machinegroups/" + group_detail.group_name headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' body = six.b(json.dumps(group_detail.to_json())) headers['x-log-bodyrawsize'] = str(len(body)) (resp, headers) = self._send("PUT", project_name, body, resource, params, headers) return UpdateMachineGroupResponse(headers, resp)
[docs] def get_machine_group(self, project_name, group_name): """ get machine group in a project Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type group_name: string :param group_name: the group name to get :return: GetMachineGroupResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/machinegroups/" + group_name (resp, headers) = self._send("GET", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return GetMachineGroupResponse(resp, headers)
[docs] def list_machine_group(self, project_name, offset=0, size=100): """ list machine group names in a project Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type offset: int :param offset: the offset of all group name :type size: int :param size: the max return names count, -1 means all :return: ListMachineGroupResponse :raise: LogException """ # need to use extended method to get more if int(size) == -1 or int(size) > MAX_LIST_PAGING_SIZE: return list_more(self.list_machine_group, int(offset), int(size), MAX_LIST_PAGING_SIZE, project_name) headers = {} params = {} resource = "/machinegroups" params['offset'] = str(offset) params['size'] = str(size) (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return ListMachineGroupResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def list_machines(self, project_name, group_name, offset=0, size=100): """ list machines in a machine group Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type group_name: string :param group_name: the group name to list :type offset: int :param offset: the offset of all group name :type size: int :param size: the max return names count, -1 means all :return: ListMachinesResponse :raise: LogException """ # need to use extended method to get more if int(size) == -1 or int(size) > MAX_LIST_PAGING_SIZE: return list_more(self.list_machines, int(offset), int(size), MAX_LIST_PAGING_SIZE, project_name, group_name) headers = {} params = {} resource = "/machinegroups/" + group_name + "/machines" params['offset'] = str(offset) params['size'] = str(size) (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return ListMachinesResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def apply_config_to_machine_group(self, project_name, config_name, group_name): """ apply a logtail config to a machine group Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type config_name: string :param config_name: the logtail config name to apply :type group_name: string :param group_name: the machine group name :return: ApplyConfigToMachineGroupResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/machinegroups/" + group_name + "/configs/" + config_name (resp, header) = self._send("PUT", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return ApplyConfigToMachineGroupResponse(header, resp)
[docs] def remove_config_to_machine_group(self, project_name, config_name, group_name): """ remove a logtail config to a machine group Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type config_name: string :param config_name: the logtail config name to apply :type group_name: string :param group_name: the machine group name :return: RemoveConfigToMachineGroupResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/machinegroups/" + group_name + "/configs/" + config_name (resp, header) = self._send("DELETE", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return RemoveConfigToMachineGroupResponse(header, resp)
[docs] def get_machine_group_applied_configs(self, project_name, group_name): """ get the logtail config names applied in a machine group Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type group_name: string :param group_name: the group name list :return: GetMachineGroupAppliedConfigResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/machinegroups/" + group_name + "/configs" (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return GetMachineGroupAppliedConfigResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def get_config_applied_machine_groups(self, project_name, config_name): """ get machine group names where the logtail config applies to Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type config_name: string :param config_name: the logtail config name used to apply :return: GetConfigAppliedMachineGroupsResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/configs/" + config_name + "/machinegroups" (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return GetConfigAppliedMachineGroupsResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def get_shipper_tasks(self, project_name, logstore_name, shipper_name, start_time, end_time, status_type='', offset=0, size=100): """ get odps/oss shipper tasks in a certain time range Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :type shipper_name: string :param shipper_name: the shipper name :type start_time: int :param start_time: the start timestamp :type end_time: int :param end_time: the end timestamp :type status_type: string :param status_type: support one of ['', 'fail', 'success', 'running'] , if the status_type = '' , return all kinds of status type :type offset: int :param offset: the begin task offset, -1 means all :type size: int :param size: the needed tasks count :return: GetShipperTasksResponse :raise: LogException """ # need to use extended method to get more if int(size) == -1 or int(size) > MAX_LIST_PAGING_SIZE: return list_more(self.get_shipper_tasks, int(offset), int(size), MAX_LIST_PAGING_SIZE, project_name, logstore_name, shipper_name, start_time, end_time, status_type) headers = {} params = {"from": str(int(start_time)), "to": str(int(end_time)), "status": status_type, "offset": str(int(offset)), "size": str(int(size))} resource = "/logstores/" + logstore_name + "/shipper/" + shipper_name + "/tasks" (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return GetShipperTasksResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def retry_shipper_tasks(self, project_name, logstore_name, shipper_name, task_list): """ retry failed tasks , only the failed task can be retried Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :type shipper_name: string :param shipper_name: the shipper name :type task_list: string array :param task_list: the failed task_id list, e.g ['failed_task_id_1', 'failed_task_id_2',...], currently the max retry task count 10 every time :return: RetryShipperTasksResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} body = six.b(json.dumps(task_list)) headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' headers['x-log-bodyrawsize'] = str(len(body)) resource = "/logstores/" + logstore_name + "/shipper/" + shipper_name + "/tasks" (resp, header) = self._send("PUT", project_name, body, resource, params, headers) return RetryShipperTasksResponse(header, resp)
[docs] def create_project(self, project_name, project_des): """ Create a project Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type project_des: string :param project_des: the description of a project :return: CreateProjectResponse :raise: LogException """ params = {} body = {"projectName": project_name, "description": project_des} body = six.b(json.dumps(body)) headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'x-log-bodyrawsize': str(len(body))} resource = "/" (resp, header) = self._send("POST", project_name, body, resource, params, headers) return CreateProjectResponse(header, resp)
[docs] def get_project(self, project_name): """ get project Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :return: GetProjectResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/" (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return GetProjectResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def delete_project(self, project_name): """ delete project Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :return: DeleteProjectResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/" (resp, header) = self._send("DELETE", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return DeleteProjectResponse(header, resp)
[docs] def create_consumer_group(self, project, logstore, consumer_group, timeout, in_order=False): """ create consumer group :type project: string :param project: project name :type logstore: string :param logstore: logstore name :type consumer_group: string :param consumer_group: consumer group name :type timeout: int :param timeout: time-out :type in_order: bool :param in_order: if consume in order, default is False :return: CreateConsumerGroupResponse """ request = CreateConsumerGroupRequest(project, logstore, ConsumerGroupEntity(consumer_group, timeout, in_order)) consumer_group = request.consumer_group body_str = consumer_group.to_request_json() headers = { "x-log-bodyrawsize": '0', "Content-Type": "application/json" } params = {} project = request.get_project() resource = "/logstores/" + request.get_logstore() + "/consumergroups" (resp, header) = self._send("POST", project, body_str, resource, params, headers) return CreateConsumerGroupResponse(header, resp)
[docs] def update_consumer_group(self, project, logstore, consumer_group, timeout=None, in_order=None): """ Update consumer group :type project: string :param project: project name :type logstore: string :param logstore: logstore name :type consumer_group: string :param consumer_group: consumer group name :type timeout: int :param timeout: timeout :type in_order: bool :param in_order: order :return: None """ if in_order is None and timeout is None: raise ValueError('in_order and timeout can\'t all be None') elif in_order is not None and timeout is not None: body_dict = { 'order': in_order, 'timeout': timeout } elif in_order is not None: body_dict = { 'order': in_order } else: body_dict = { 'timeout': timeout } body_str = six.b(json.dumps(body_dict)) headers = { "x-log-bodyrawsize": str(len(body_str)), "Content-Type": "application/json" } params = {} resource = "/logstores/" + logstore + "/consumergroups/" + consumer_group (resp, header) = self._send("PUT", project, body_str, resource, params, headers) return UpdateConsumerGroupResponse(header, resp)
[docs] def delete_consumer_group(self, project, logstore, consumer_group): """ Delete consumer group :type project: string :param project: project name :type logstore: string :param logstore: logstore name :type consumer_group: string :param consumer_group: consumer group name :return: None """ headers = {"x-log-bodyrawsize": '0'} params = {} resource = "/logstores/" + logstore + "/consumergroups/" + consumer_group (resp, header) = self._send("DELETE", project, None, resource, params, headers) return DeleteConsumerGroupResponse(header, resp)
[docs] def list_consumer_group(self, project, logstore): """ List consumer group :type project: string :param project: project name :type logstore: string :param logstore: logstore name :return: ListConsumerGroupResponse """ resource = "/logstores/" + logstore + "/consumergroups" params = {} headers = {} (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project, None, resource, params, headers) return ListConsumerGroupResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def update_check_point(self, project, logstore, consumer_group, shard, check_point, consumer='', force_success=True): """ Update check point :type project: string :param project: project name :type logstore: string :param logstore: logstore name :type consumer_group: string :param consumer_group: consumer group name :type shard: int :param shard: shard id :type check_point: string :param check_point: checkpoint name :type consumer: string :param consumer: consumer name :type force_success: bool :param force_success: if force to succeed :return: None """ request = ConsumerGroupUpdateCheckPointRequest(project, logstore, consumer_group, consumer, shard, check_point, force_success) params = request.get_request_params() body_str = request.get_request_body() headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} resource = "/logstores/" + logstore + "/consumergroups/" + consumer_group (resp, header) = self._send("POST", project, body_str, resource, params, headers) return ConsumerGroupUpdateCheckPointResponse(header, resp)
[docs] def get_check_point(self, project, logstore, consumer_group, shard=-1): """ Get check point :type project: string :param project: project name :type logstore: string :param logstore: logstore name :type consumer_group: string :param consumer_group: consumer group name :type shard: int :param shard: shard id :return: ConsumerGroupCheckPointResponse """ request = ConsumerGroupGetCheckPointRequest(project, logstore, consumer_group, shard) params = request.get_params() headers = {} resource = "/logstores/" + logstore + "/consumergroups/" + consumer_group (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project, None, resource, params, headers) return ConsumerGroupCheckPointResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def get_check_point_fixed(self, project, logstore, consumer_group, shard=-1): """ Get check point :type project: string :param project: project name :type logstore: string :param logstore: logstore name :type consumer_group: string :param consumer_group: consumer group name :type shard: int :param shard: shard id :return: ConsumerGroupCheckPointResponse """ res = self.get_check_point(project, logstore, consumer_group, shard) res.check_checkpoint(self, project, logstore) return res
[docs] def heart_beat(self, project, logstore, consumer_group, consumer, shards=None): """ Heatbeat consumer group :type project: string :param project: project name :type logstore: string :param logstore: logstore name :type consumer_group: string :param consumer_group: consumer group name :type consumer: string :param consumer: consumer name :type shards: int list :param shards: shard id list e.g. [0,1,2] :return: None """ if shards is None: shards = [] request = ConsumerGroupHeartBeatRequest(project, logstore, consumer_group, consumer, shards) body_str = request.get_request_body() params = request.get_params() headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} resource = "/logstores/" + logstore + "/consumergroups/" + consumer_group (resp, header) = self._send('POST', project, body_str, resource, params, headers) return ConsumerGroupHeartBeatResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def copy_project(self, from_project, to_project, to_client=None, copy_machine_group=False): """ copy project, logstore, machine group and logtail config to target project, expecting the target project doesn't contain same named logstores as source project :type from_project: string :param from_project: project name :type to_project: string :param to_project: project name :type to_client: LogClient :param to_client: logclient instance :type copy_machine_group: bool :param copy_machine_group: if copy machine group resources, False by default. :return: None """ if to_client is None: to_client = self return copy_project(self, to_client, from_project, to_project, copy_machine_group)
[docs] def copy_logstore(self, from_project, from_logstore, to_logstore, to_project=None, to_client=None): """ copy logstore, index, logtail config to target logstore, machine group are not included yet. the target logstore will be crated if not existing :type from_project: string :param from_project: project name :type from_logstore: string :param from_logstore: logstore name :type to_logstore: string :param to_logstore: target logstore name :type to_project: string :param to_project: target project name, copy to same project if not being specified, will try to create it if not being specified :type to_client: LogClient :param to_client: logclient instance, use it to operate on the "to_project" if being specified for cross region purpose :return: """ return copy_logstore(self, from_project, from_logstore, to_logstore, to_project=to_project, to_client=to_client)
[docs] def list_project(self, offset=0, size=100): """ list the project Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type offset: int :param offset: the offset of all the matched names :type size: int :param size: the max return names count, -1 means return all data :return: ListProjectResponse :raise: LogException """ # need to use extended method to get more if int(size) == -1 or int(size) > MAX_LIST_PAGING_SIZE: return list_more(self.list_project, int(offset), int(size), MAX_LIST_PAGING_SIZE) headers = {} params = {} resource = "/" params['offset'] = str(offset) params['size'] = str(size) (resp, header) = self._send("GET", None, None, resource, params, headers) return ListProjectResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def es_migration(self, hosts, project_name, indexes=None, query=None, scroll="5m", logstore_index_mappings=None, pool_size=10, time_reference=None, source=None, topic=None, wait_time_in_secs=60, auto_creation=True): """ migrate data from elasticsearch to aliyun log service :type hosts: string :param hosts: a comma-separated list of source ES nodes. e.g. "localhost:9200,other_host:9200" :type project_name: string :param project_name: specify the project_name of your log services. e.g. "your_project" :type indexes: string :param indexes: a comma-separated list of source index names. e.g. "index1,index2" :type query: string :param query: used to filter docs, so that you can specify the docs you want to migrate. e.g. '{"query": {"match": {"title": "python"}}}' :type scroll: string :param scroll: specify how long a consistent view of the index should be maintained for scrolled search. e.g. "5m" :type logstore_index_mappings: string :param logstore_index_mappings: specify the mappings of log service logstore and ES index. e.g. '{"logstore1": "my_index*", "logstore2": "index1,index2"}, "logstore3": "index3"}' :type pool_size: int :param pool_size: specify the size of process pool. e.g. 10 :type time_reference: string :param time_reference: specify what ES doc's field to use as log's time field. e.g. "field1" :type source: string :param source: specify the value of log's source field. e.g. "your_source" :type topic: string :param topic: specify the value of log's topic field. e.g. "your_topic" :type wait_time_in_secs: int :param wait_time_in_secs: specify the waiting time between initialize aliyun log and executing data migration task. e.g. 60 :type auto_creation: bool :param auto_creation: specify whether to let the tool create logstore and index automatically for you. e.g. True :return: MigrationResponse :raise: Exception """ from .es_migration import MigrationManager from .es_migration import MigrationResponse migration_manager = MigrationManager(hosts=hosts, indexes=indexes, query=query, scroll=scroll, endpoint=self._endpoint, project_name=project_name, access_key_id=self._accessKeyId, access_key=self._accessKey, logstore_index_mappings=logstore_index_mappings, pool_size=pool_size, time_reference=time_reference, source=source, topic=topic, wait_time_in_secs=wait_time_in_secs, auto_creation=auto_creation) res = migration_manager.migrate() resp = MigrationResponse() resp.body = res return resp
[docs] def copy_data(self, project, logstore, from_time, to_time=None, to_client=None, to_project=None, to_logstore=None, shard_list=None, batch_size=None, compress=None, new_topic=None, new_source=None): """ copy data from one logstore to another one (could be the same or in different region), the time is log received time on server side. :type project: string :param project: project name :type logstore: string :param logstore: logstore name :type from_time: string/int :param from_time: curosr value, could be begin, timestamp or readable time in readable time like "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S<time_zone>" e.g. "2018-01-02 12:12:10+8:00", also support human readable string, e.g. "1 hour ago", "now", "yesterday 0:0:0", refer to :type to_time: string/int :param to_time: curosr value, default is "end", could be begin, timestamp or readable time in readable time like "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S<time_zone>" e.g. "2018-01-02 12:12:10+8:00", also support human readable string, e.g. "1 hour ago", "now", "yesterday 0:0:0", refer to :type to_client: LogClient :param to_client: logclient instance, if empty will use source client :type to_project: string :param to_project: project name, if empty will use source project :type to_logstore: string :param to_logstore: logstore name, if empty will use source logstore :type shard_list: string :param shard_list: shard number list. could be comma seperated list or range: 1,20,31-40 :type batch_size: int :param batch_size: batch size to fetch the data in each iteration. by default it's 500 :type compress: bool :param compress: if use compression, by default it's True :type new_topic: string :param new_topic: overwrite the copied topic with the passed one :type new_source: string :param new_source: overwrite the copied source with the passed one :return: LogResponse {"total_count": 30, "shards": {0: 10, 1: 20} }) """ return copy_data(self, project, logstore, from_time, to_time=to_time, to_client=to_client, to_project=to_project, to_logstore=to_logstore, shard_list=shard_list, batch_size=batch_size, compress=compress, new_topic=new_topic, new_source=new_source)
[docs] def transform_data(self, project, logstore, config, from_time, to_time=None, to_client=None, to_project=None, to_logstore=None, shard_list=None, batch_size=None, compress=None, cg_name=None, c_name=None, cg_heartbeat_interval=None, cg_data_fetch_interval=None, cg_in_order=None, cg_worker_pool_size=None ): """ transform data from one logstore to another one (could be the same or in different region), the time passed is log received time on server side. There're two mode, batch mode / consumer group mode. For Batch mode, just leave the cg_name and later options as None. :type project: string :param project: project name :type logstore: string :param logstore: logstore name :type config: string :param config: transform config imported or path of config (in python) :type from_time: string/int :param from_time: curosr value, could be begin, timestamp or readable time in readable time like "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S<time_zone>" e.g. "2018-01-02 12:12:10+8:00", also support human readable string, e.g. "1 hour ago", "now", "yesterday 0:0:0", refer to :type to_time: string/int :param to_time: curosr value, could be begin, timestamp or readable time in readable time like "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S<time_zone>" e.g. "2018-01-02 12:12:10+8:00", also support human readable string, e.g. "1 hour ago", "now", "yesterday 0:0:0", refer to :type to_client: LogClient :param to_client: logclient instance, if empty will use source client :type to_project: string :param to_project: project name, if empty will use source project :type to_logstore: string :param to_logstore: logstore name, if empty will use source logstore :type shard_list: string :param shard_list: shard number list. could be comma seperated list or range: 1,20,31-40 :type batch_size: int :param batch_size: batch size to fetch the data in each iteration. by default it's 500 :type compress: bool :param compress: if use compression, by default it's True :type cg_name: string :param cg_name: consumer group name to enable scability and availability support. :type c_name: string :param c_name: consumer name for consumer group mode, must be different for each consuer in one group, normally leave it as default: CLI-transform-data-${process_id} :type cg_heartbeat_interval: int :param cg_heartbeat_interval: cg_heartbeat_interval, default 20 :type cg_data_fetch_interval: int :param cg_data_fetch_interval: cg_data_fetch_interval, default 2 :type cg_in_order: bool :param cg_in_order: cg_in_order, default False :type cg_worker_pool_size: int :param cg_worker_pool_size: cg_worker_pool_size, default 2 :return: LogResponse {"total_count": 30, "shards": {0: {"count": 10, "removed": 1}, 2: {"count": 20, "removed": 1}} }) """ return transform_data(self, project, logstore, from_time, to_time=to_time, config=config, to_client=to_client, to_project=to_project, to_logstore=to_logstore, shard_list=shard_list, batch_size=batch_size, compress=compress, cg_name=cg_name, c_name=c_name, cg_heartbeat_interval=cg_heartbeat_interval, cg_data_fetch_interval=cg_data_fetch_interval, cg_in_order=cg_in_order, cg_worker_pool_size=cg_worker_pool_size )
[docs] def get_resource_usage(self, project): """ get resource usage ist the project Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type client: string :param client: project name :return: dict :raise: LogException """ return get_resource_usage(self, project)
[docs] def arrange_shard(self, project, logstore, count): """ arrange shard to the expected read-write count to a larger one. :type project: string :param project: project name :type logstore: string :param logstore: logstore name :type count: int :param count: expected read-write shard count. should be larger than the current one. :return: '' :raise: LogException """ return arrange_shard(self, project, logstore, count)
make_lcrud_methods(LogClient, 'dashboard', name_field='dashboardName') make_lcrud_methods(LogClient, 'alert', name_field='name', root_resource='/jobs', entities_key='results') make_lcrud_methods(LogClient, 'savedsearch', name_field='savedsearchName') make_lcrud_methods(LogClient, 'shipper', logstore_level=True, root_resource='/shipper', name_field='shipperName')