Source code for aliyun.log.getlogsresponse

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

# Copyright (C) Alibaba Cloud Computing
# All rights reserved.

from .logresponse import LogResponse
from .queriedlog import QueriedLog
from .logexception import LogException
import six
from .util import Util

[docs]class GetLogsResponse(LogResponse): """ The response of the GetLog API from log. :type resp: dict :param resp: GetLogsResponse HTTP response body :type header: dict :param header: GetLogsResponse HTTP response header """ def __init__(self, resp, header): LogResponse.__init__(self, header, resp) try: self.progress = Util.h_v_t(header, 'x-log-progress') self.logs = [] for data in resp: contents = {} source = "" if "__source__" in data: source = data['__source__'] for key in six.iterkeys(data): if key != '__time__' and key != '__source__': contents[key] = data[key] self.logs.append(QueriedLog(data['__time__'], source, contents)) except Exception as ex: raise LogException("InvalidResponse", "Failed to parse GetLogResponse, \nheader: " + str(header) + " \nBody:" + str(resp) + " \nOther: " + str(ex), resp_header=header, resp_body=resp)
[docs] def get_count(self): """ Get log number from the response :return: int, log number """ return len(self.logs)
[docs] def is_completed(self): """ Check if the get logs query is completed :return: bool, true if this logs query is completed """ return self.progress == 'Complete'
[docs] def get_logs(self): """ Get all logs from the response :return: QueriedLog list, all log data """ return self.logs
def log_print(self): print('GetLogsResponse:') print('headers:', self.get_all_headers()) print('count:', self.get_count()) print('progress:', self.progress) print('\nQueriedLog class:\n') for log in self.logs: log.log_print() print('\n') def merge(self, response): if not isinstance(response, GetLogsResponse): raise ValueError("passed response is not a GetLogsResponse: " + str(type(response))) self.progress = response.progress self.logs.extend(response.get_logs()) # update body self.body.extend(response.body) return self