Source code for aliyun.log.gethistogramsresponse

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

# Copyright (C) Alibaba Cloud Computing
# All rights reserved.

from .logresponse import LogResponse
from .histogram import Histogram
from .util import Util

[docs]class GetHistogramsResponse(LogResponse): """ The response of the GetHistograms API from log. :type resp: dict :param resp: GetHistogramsResponse HTTP response body :type header: dict :param header: GetHistogramsResponse HTTP response header """ def __init__(self, resp, header): LogResponse.__init__(self, header, resp) self.progress = Util.h_v_t(header, 'x-log-progress') self.count = 0 # header['x-log-count'] self.histograms = [] for data in resp: status = Histogram(data['from'], data['to'], data['count'], data['progress']) self.histograms.append(status) self.count += data['count']
[docs] def is_completed(self): """ Check if the histogram is completed :return: bool, true if this histogram is completed """ return self.progress == 'Complete'
[docs] def get_total_count(self): """ Get total logs' count that current query hits :return: int, total logs' count that current query hits """ return self.count
[docs] def get_histograms(self): """ Get histograms on the requested time range: [from, to) :return: Histogram list, histograms on the requested time range: [from, to) """ return self.histograms
def log_print(self): print('GetHistogramsResponse:') print('headers:', self.get_all_headers()) print('progress:', self.progress) print('count:', self.count) print('\nhistograms class:\n') for data in self.histograms: data.log_print() print('\n')